
One of the main destinations in San Fran for me was the Haight Ashbury district. Back in 2005, I took a month and a half cross country road trip and out of all the sights I saw, San Francisco was one of my favorite cities, much thanks to the Haight. With all of its color, quirks, and shops that are right up my alley, I fell hard for this part of the town. I made sure to revisit the Love of Ganesha, once I found it, a store that influenced so much of my style and decorating for the years following that trip. It was just as fun this time around, too! We saw musicians everywhere, hit a cool, but upscale and pricey hat shop, and soaked up all the color on that weather-gray day. Make sure to notice the window with fishnet stockinged legs coming out of it!

presets used: san fran vintage, alfredo, suki, all in the new "San Fran" presets set.

One Response so far.

  1. So Lovely Cara! I know you had an exciting trip! Great opportunity for some lovely photo ops;)

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