Link Love!

nikon f100, film, by me in San Francisco, at Mission Cheese

Well! Have I been saving up some good stuff for you all! In case you missed any of these while wandering the interwebs for intriguing photography related stories, never fear!!

-Amazing GIGAPIXEL photography! A gigapixel image has one billion pixels...can you even fathom that? If not, or even if so, the photos should help to give you an idea! The Yosemite example might be the coolest, because it allows you to click and see the nearly hidden hikers, giving the best sense of scale.

-Some great tips on black and white photography! Basic, useful, insightful, and great reminders if you already know the stuff, too.

-A really well illustrated explanation of how focal length affects depth of field, and images in general.

-A crazy story about a stolen photo! If you've ever had one of yours stolen, you'll be especially interested I bet!

-A really interesting criticism/article about nostalgia in our culture and in photography. Discusses Vivian Maier, records, and our return to film: "What if all that talk about analog photography being more real is just a form of nostalgia? Nostalgia for the good old days when men were still men, and photographs showed you the truth?" What do you think, guys? What are your thoughts?


One of the main destinations in San Fran for me was the Haight Ashbury district. Back in 2005, I took a month and a half cross country road trip and out of all the sights I saw, San Francisco was one of my favorite cities, much thanks to the Haight. With all of its color, quirks, and shops that are right up my alley, I fell hard for this part of the town. I made sure to revisit the Love of Ganesha, once I found it, a store that influenced so much of my style and decorating for the years following that trip. It was just as fun this time around, too! We saw musicians everywhere, hit a cool, but upscale and pricey hat shop, and soaked up all the color on that weather-gray day. Make sure to notice the window with fishnet stockinged legs coming out of it!

presets used: san fran vintage, alfredo, suki, all in the new "San Fran" presets set.

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